Acceptance and Treatment of Ship Wastewater

Since 2012 it is possible to receive ship’s waste water from cruise vessels at all three berths in Warnemünde which is then pumped into the public sewage system of the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock. For this purpose, ROSTOCK PORT GmbH invested two million Euros in the corresponding systems and the pipeline network at the passenger quay.

Since the public wastewater in the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock is treated by a biological sewage treatment plant, the assumption of chlorinated ship wastewater is excluded. Limit values ​​set by Eurawasser for the discharge of ship wastewater into the public sewage network, such as pH value, conductivity, chlorides and AOX compounds (adsorbable organically bound halogens), were communicated to the shipping companies in advance and will be communicated to the appropriate vessel before the start in Warnemünde. Only those who comply with these limit values ​​may discharge the so-called gray water into the public sewage network via on-board pumps. This process water is constantly checked in an analysis station in the port to prevent limit values ​​from being exceeded.

Every year around 30,000 tons of ship wastewater are discharged directly into the disposal system in the Warnemünde passenger quay.